Mission Statement:
To provide a voice for American veterans of foreign wars and their families through storytelling projects and strengthen ties with veterans and their home communities. Dog Tags is an intergenerational Storytelling Program partnering local AVFW veterans with teens.students to promote appreciation and understanding of experience.
To provide a voice for American veterans of foreign wars and their families through storytelling projects and strengthen ties with veterans and their home communities. Dog Tags is an intergenerational Storytelling Program partnering local AVFW veterans with teens.students to promote appreciation and understanding of experience.
Vision statement:
To help communities develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of it's veterans through exchange of personal narratives and discovery of the commonalities and unique aspects of experiences of persons who have lived or who are living through times of national crisis. Dog Tags promote understanding of the veteran experience across generations.
To help communities develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of it's veterans through exchange of personal narratives and discovery of the commonalities and unique aspects of experiences of persons who have lived or who are living through times of national crisis. Dog Tags promote understanding of the veteran experience across generations.
"In connecting stories between generations, we can help develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the commonalities in living through times of national crisis." Andrea Lovett and Wiesy MacMillan co creators of "Dog Tags" program .
Intergenarational residency
DOG TAGS Program recieved special recognition from the Mass. Cultural Council For Outstanding Program. An Intergenerational Storytelling Program partnering local veterans with students-
Program offerings
"The Importance of Story"
A two part program:
A) a veteran of foreign of war meets with students and shares his/her stories.
B)creative writing venture using storytelling sparks to integrate their story experience with veteran.Students explore the universal feelings related to all wars in crafting their written pieces.
Extended Experiences
Option 1-students share creative writing in their community(Library,Veterans Meeting,Council On Aging,etc.)
Option 2- Students connect with local veterans in an oral history project resulting in a permanent record(3 copies CDs) one for family, local library, Library of Congress.
Late elementary/Junior High
"The Importance of Story",
intergenerational residency partnering veterans with students.
Students explore the importance of story in our lives and life of a community . Students begin to see themselves as a community unique with stories.
Students learn how to gather veteran's stories building on tools from part one.
Students meet with veterans and record their stories.
Wisey MacMillan storyteller/author 10 years as storyteller 30 years as OT specialist
Wisey MacMillan storyteller/author 10 years as storyteller 30 years as OT specialist
Andrea Lovett storyteller/author 18years as storyteller
ller/author/Korean Veteran
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